
Is Sierra Leone Safe? Myths and Truths

is sierra leone safe

According to data from the World Bank, the Republic of Sierra Leone receives a mere 81,000 visitors every year, making it the 9th least visited country in the world—despite having tremendous potential for tourism. The primary reason? It’s considered a dangerous country. However, that’s far from the truth. 

If you want to find out the real answer to your question, “Is Sierra Leone safe?,” experts at Jobomax Homes will spill the beans, backed with research. So, whether you’re looking to reconnect with your African roots or retire in peace, you can do so with peace of mind courtesy of insights gathered by Jobomax Homes, a leading real estate company based in West Africa. 

Why Sierra Leone Has a Reputation for Being an Unsafe Country

Here are some reasons why Sierra Leone gets a bad rep with travelers:

Petty Crime

Sierra Leone is relatively safe, with an overall crime rate of 0.35% in 2023. As with any other destination, it has opportunistic crimes like pickpocketing. These usually occur in crowded areas like bars, clubs, markets, sporting events, and transportation hubs. 

Keep in mind that traveling with a lot of cash and/or expensive mobile devices can make you a target.

So, exercise the same caution you normally would:

  • Avoid passing through unlit areas.
  • Be vigilant about your surroundings.
  • Don’t leave your valuables unattended.
  • Keep your purse/wallet close in big crowds.

Additionally, there have been some cases of armed robberies. You may also encounter some youth-related violence though these are often quickly dispersed. Still, it’s better to leave the situation quickly should matters escalate.

History of Conflict 

Sierra Leone broke free from Great Britain in 1961 and experienced one of the bloodiest wars in Africa in 1991, the Sierra Leone Civil War. However, the country achieved some stability by 2002.

Thanks to a legacy of accountability and a commitment to democracy, things have since been peaceful. 

That said, it has been teetering on the edge of conflict since the June 2023 presidential election, so it’s best to keep a close eye on the local political and security situation.

Limited Healthcare Facilities 

Sierra Leone has a long history of challenges in the healthcare department. It is under-resourced and underfunded, with a chronic shortage of essential equipment and resources. In addition, poverty is rife, with youth employment sitting at nearly 60%, which affects citizens’ access to medical care. 

Due to the lack of resources and funding, corruption can exist within the healthcare system. Eighty-four percent of Sierra Leoneans admitted that they paid a bribe to avail of government services.

Recently, the National Emergency Medical Service (NEMS) enhanced access to quality care by overcoming existing barriers and boosting the delivery of the Free Health Care Initiative (FHCI), so there is progress. 

Poor Road Infrastructure 

Road accidents are common in Sierra Leone, claiming an estimated 1,035 fatalities annually. While this is largely attributed to poorly constructed roads with little or no lighting, the blame partly lies with riders who flout the rules and don’t maintain their vehicles properly. 

The heavy rains can also make roads impassable. Hence, travelers looking to make Sierra Leone their home should plan for suitable transportation, with reliable drivers who can navigate bad roads. 

It’s also a good idea to keep tabs on the weather forecast to minimize risk.

What To Consider Before Moving to Sierra Leone

Now that you can answer, “Is Sierra Leone safe?,” here are some tips that will elevate your quality of life once you get there.

Dress Conservatively

Seventy-seven percent of Sierra Leone’s population is Muslim. In alignment with its traditional values, your dress and behavior should focus on modesty. Wear relaxed clothing with layers like shawls. Also, same-sex activity is prohibited so keep that in mind.

English Literacy is Low 

English is a learned language that is only spoken by about 10% of the population. But you shouldn’t have too much trouble communicating since Krio, the country’s de facto official language, is English-based. It is commonly used in education, broadcasts, newspapers, media, business, and more. 

To truly live like a local, learn common words and phrases. Making the effort shows respect, builds trust, and helps you navigate situations. 

Cash-Based Economy 

Cash is king in Sierra Leone. Checks, debit and credit cards aren’t used that much. There are ATMs in this West African country, just be aware that withdrawals per depositor are capped at Le30,000 (USD2,180) per week.

Stay on Top of Your Vaccinations 

Sierra Leone has a few water, hygiene, and sanitation issues, which creates an environment that attracts mosquitoes. Malaria is the leading cause of death, so look into a malaria prophylaxis and load up on insect repellent. Avoid places plagued by mosquitoes, use mosquito repellent creams and keep your space clean. This will prevent mosquitoes from breeding. 

There’s also a risk of yellow fever, which is why a yellow fever vaccination certificate is required from visitors. A yellow fever vaccination certificate is required for travel throughout much of the continent, so it will also come in handy if you are planning to visit other places!

Potable Water

More than six out of 10 people in Sierra Leone don’t have access to safe water. The water crisis has numerous challenges and dire consequences, even in the capital Freetown. So, buy bottled water to remain hydrated and safe or use water filters to produce your own drinking water. 

Benefits of Living in Sierra Leone

While Sierra Leone is still a developing country, it is a great country to live in. There are many countries, even highly developed ones, with high crime rates and inaccessible health care systems. As everywhere, it is important to take precautions and choose the right neighborhood to live in. Remember that Jobomax Homes can help you with this decision. 

Affordable Cost of Living

The cost of living in Sierra Leone is $732. That’s 1.43 times less expensive than the world average.

A basic meal in the US costs around $18.15 but only $3.84 in Sierra Leone. Transportation, housing, clothing, groceries, and entertainment are also relatively inexpensive. Note that foreign goods are pricier due to import duties. 

Ultimately, how much you spend depends on your lifestyle and bargaining skills!

Beautiful Natural Scenery

Sierra Leone is breathtaking, with beaches that offer unforgettable views of the Atlantic Ocean. Lumley Beach is infamous for its white sand and seaweed while Bureh Beach is every surfer’s dream. Let’s not forget the crescent-shaped Lakka Beach with its golden sand. 

Further inland, the region is home to lush green forests and abundant wildlife. Many species are protected in wildlife sanctuaries. If you’re lucky, you can spot chimpanzees, Diana monkeys, dwarf crocodiles, elephants, pygmy hippos, red and black-and-white colobus monkeys, and even leopards!

It’s an ideal destination where you can stay for good.

A Rich and Welcoming Culture

Sierra Leone is culturally diverse with 18 ethnic groups. The people are known for their exceptional hospitality and strong sense of community. 


Is Sierra Leone safe? To a large extent, yes! It has more or less the same challenges as most destinations. These can be addressed by being vigilant and exercising a few extra precautionary measures.  

If you’re looking to relocate to a country with a rich culture, an affordable cost of living, friendly people, and stunning landscapes, Sierra Leone is an excellent choice. 

As a property developer in West Africa, Jobomax Homes builds and sells residences in Sierra Leone. Take a look at some of the homes we offer in the country. Our houses are made with care and quality. Plus, they’re surrounded by natural springs and mountain views, making them dream homes for our satisfied customers.

Get a quote today. 

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